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F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 130 Karma: 60
Resources: Gd Pop: 5/75 in Thailand

Known Powers:
Chi Manipulation: Rm, Sagat learned to harness his Chi under tutelage from Dhalsim in an effort to overcome Ryu. Sagat is adept at manipulating Chi, although he has nowhere near mastered the art. He is able to utilize this ability for a variety of offensive attacks:
-Tiger Shot: a manifestation of chi in the form of a 'fireball' that does energy damage ignoring body armor (not force fields).
-Tiger Uppercut: Sagat's chi is channeled into his fist allowing him to strike an opponent for In Blunt damage. Sagat is +1cs to hit an airborne or leaping opponent using this technique.
-Tiger Knee Crush: Sagat's's chi is channeled into his knee allowing him to strike an opponent for power rank blunt damage. Sagat can use this ability to strike opponents in adjacent areas.
-Tiger Genocide: After 2 rounds of concentration, Sagat can deliver a pair of Tiger Knee Crush attacks, as well as a Tiger Uppercut. All 3 hits are resolved on one Fighting FEAT, and the attack does Am Blunt damage ignoring body armor (but not Force Fields). Sagat can use this ability to strike opponents in adjacent areas, and may only perform it once per day.


Partial Blindness: Sagat is missing his eye.

Talents: All Martial Arts, Crime, Trance, Bi-Lingual: (Thai, English)

Contacts: Shadowloo, Dhalsim